It’s like Pavlov’s Dogs in the winter around here.
My horses see me.  They come running.
I know they like me, but they LOVE what I represent.
Now this all takes place in silence because obviously horses can’t talk.
So I am going to interpret their body language for you.
At least this what I think they are thinking.
“Oh look! There she is!”
 “She is so pretty”

“Me first.”   “No, me first”  “No, me first”

“No, me first”

“I win”


“What the *bleep* are we standing here for?”

“Scram Junior!”

“Much better. I’m still watching you.”

“Ha! You snooze you loose old man.”

“He is just soooo easy to mess with!”

“Thanks Red”

“I’m sorry, he is just so irritating”
” And besides,  I don’t see his name in the title”

” Way too much drama. TTFN”
Love,  Cowgirl Red……………Paint, Puncher,  Pardner,  and friends.


  1. Wonderful photos of the horses in the snow and I love the dialogue. My daughter is nearly 13 and is horse crazy – last week she was thrilled to realise she has been riding for 5 years. Half a decade, she said.

  2. pluckychickenheart says

    "She is So Pretty!!!" hahahahahahahaha Love it. .. "and HAWT too" was the rest of the thought I bet. ;o)


  3. Cowgirl Red says

    Louise, someday she'll say "half a century!"

    Mari, xoxoxo

  4. Love the photos and the mind-reading dialog!! 🙂

  5. thats too funny 🙂
    i love it.

  6. ~Christina~ says

    Beautiful set of captures! What a blessing it must be.

  7. Catherine... says

    Hi Terah,
    Wow, the photos are gorgeous…it looks the horsey dialogue…made me LOL..have a good day…

  8. This made me Laugh!!!! These are great pics. Oh to be loved!!!

  9. Lille Diane says

    Love it, Red!! I just have to come visit you one day! Seriously! <3 you! Did my friends Miss Lily or Christina find you n FB?? They are both horse girls like you. Man would I love to be in the middle of you 3 sometime hanging out! I'd have to wear Depends!


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