Gets me.
Gets me not.
Gets me.
Gets me not.
Really? Gets me not.
If I was the type to keep score ……
Gets Me = 12 (girlfriends, daughter, brother)
Gets Me Not = 4 (T.H.)
To quote the famous Philosopher, Mr. T. “I pity the fool.”
Love, Cowgirl Red aka Terah
P.S. For those of you that say it’s the thought that counts ……. I say your are correct! So lets put some thought in it other than while standing in the checkout line at the Farm Supply Store and Walmart at 4PM on Christmas Eve while you are buying calf medicine because you have a sick calf and ran out and your wife wouldn’t go back to town for you after having already been there 3 times in 2 days.
P.S.S. To my brother whose wise advice about marriage is this “Raise your commitment and lower your expectations” I say …. “How low can you go?”
He said he meant to get me a new gun for Christmas but Walmart had run out. (Lucky man)
Happy New Year! XOXOXOX I wish I wasn’t kidding about any of this.
Poor girl. Next husband must be a good gift purchaser. I gave up on that search long ago. ha… I send links to his computer for things I want. Then he just fills-in with some fun stuff.
I will trade you the Victoria’s Secret white thong that I got from MY husband for the pink steer head any day! And my only other gift, the black thong, I would trade for the pink pajama bottoms. I have to admit though, my husband gets me all year long. He does laundry and cooks, no Christmas gifts needed, not even a thought.
When I did have a man around I gave up and had to tell them exactly what I wanted or I got doesn’t get me gifts. They seemed to like that because it took the pressure off. But…really? I know there are a few men out there in the world who are good gift givers…but I guess maybe it is only a select few? LOL! I pity the fool! I really do. 😉
My hubby and I quit exchanging gifts years ago. I just buy what I want pretty much when I want it. Makes everybody happy. We’ve been together an amazing 34 years!
PS -I am totally against gun control…but in your case…hmmmmm. Have to rethink that.
PPS – Happy New Year and may you get everything your heart desires.