Archives for April 2013

I’ve been spending a lot of time in the past few weeks contemplating how I was going to get my things moved out of the McMansion with no help in sight.  You see, my stuff is on the 3rd floor and there are no stairs. No stairs inside or outside. No sign of any coming […]

” Live like someone left the gate open.” My friend Terri left that comment on my last blog post. I can’t get it out of my head. That is the perfect answer to the eternal question about the divorce. “What’s your plan?” My plan is this ……  I don’t have one. My plan is no plan. […]

Ever since T.H. texted me that it was “curtains” for us, I started gathering up and organizing my “stuff”. My most precious possessions. I took inventory and I pondered…  “This must be what it feels like to be part of a Traveling Circus”.   My most precious possessions include 3 dogs, 3 horses, a pony, […]

  My precious daughter, only child, came to visit this week to help me “lighten the load”.  We’ve talked and laughed and cried so much. We are going through “Our Stuff”. Literally. Her stuff. My Stuff. Our stuff.  We have a lot of “Stuff”.  She made a casual observation to me this week. She asked […]

My friend MaryAnne over at the fabulous blog Forever 51  recently wrote about having “The Talk” with her aging parents. Not the one about ..uh …… hanky panky …. but the one about finances. (worse)  That got me to thinking.  My daughter is coming for a visit next week and before she gets here I need […]