Happy Happy Thanksgiving!
My gratitude journal entry today November 22, 2012:
Rick(T.H), the ranch, new house, Puncher, Morgane here, Misti snoring on my bed, Paint, Pard, Playboy, my friends, AA, barn cats, new kitty, my modern family, Linda, Lisa, Laura, my journey in life, Ross home from Egypt, Kansas, good health.
The fact that I haven’t fallen off my horse this year (yet)
That I don’t obsess about my weight as much as I used to.
That I can still afford my red hair.
My MacBook Pro and my iPhone & Best Buy Black Tie Warranty
That we’re not having Turkey for Thanksgiving.
That I bought 6 pies from the Mennonite Family on the side of the road yesterday.
That I didn’t let T.H. talk me into living in a camper during the house renovation.
All my new riding buddies.
That I survived the summer in Hot Kansas.
That I haven’t wrecked my new truck yet.
That my barn is full of small square bales of hay.
That T.H. believed me when I told him how much I paid for my new horse.
That T.H.hasn’t made me get a real job yet. (Like he could)
I am so grateful to have discovered blogging and all the new friends I’ve met all over the world. You fill me up!
Mostly today ….. I’m just plain grateful.
Love, Cowgirl Red aka Terah
P.S. Here are some of my favorite posts you can read while you are pretending to enjoy football.
Biggest Looser, Cowgirl Edition
Happy Thanksgiving To you Great Friend!!!! I am Very Thankful that you are in my Life. You keep me Smiling!!!!!!!! Not an easy task! Thanks and have a Wonderful Day.
Happy Thanksgiving Terah. I love that last picture. It is a great portrait of you and your beasts. It is nice to have a time of year that reminds one to thank the Universe out loud for all of One’s blessings. I am thankful that you share your cowgirl life. It is such a treat. Cheers.
Oh, this was a wonderful post!!
Happy, happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all had a great day!
Fun post and I so agree you have so much to be thankful for, love love love reading your blog, thanks for sharing this wonderful life! Cheri