This is a sweet little Mother’s Day Story from Mother Nature herself. When Puncher was a puppy, I brought home a stray Mama Cat from our overcrowded shelter. It was love at first sight. Puncher and Mama Kitty were inseparable.   She beat up my other dogs regularly but she loved Puncher. She taught Puncher that cats are […]

It’s like Pavlov’s Dogs in the winter around here. My horses see me.  They come running. I know they like me, but they LOVE what I represent. Groceries. Now this all takes place in silence because obviously horses can’t talk. So I am going to interpret their body language for you. At least this what […]

These are two of my twelve barn cats. They won’t stay in the barn. They prefer the porch. A certain dog chewed up the pillows of my wicker porch chairs last summer  Better the pillows than the chairs themselves. So being how winter is here, I decided to make slip covers for them so my […]