I need to get this huge elephant out of the room, or more specifically out of my blog. It’s so big and heavy that it’s blocking my creative flow. A blog is much like reality TV. You have to be real or pretty soon you really won’t be here at all. Definition: […]
Feb 2013
Feb 2013
Fully 50
Yesterday morning I dropped my expensive age-fighting face cream in the bathroom. I estimated that about $20 of it plopped out on the floor. So I ran to the kitchen to get a spatula which I don’t have because I’m living like a gypsy right now. My next choice was a tablespoon. I got down […]
Dec 2012
Gets me. * * * Gets me not. * * * Gets me. * * * Gets me not. * * * Gets me. * * * Gets me not. * * * Gets me. * * * Really? Gets me not. * * * Gets me. * * * Gets me to the 3rd […]
Oct 2012
Who Knew?
Who knew? Seriously. Who knew that getting hay delivered could be such an aesthetically pleasing and satisfying experience? For an extra $1 per bale a middle-aged cowgirl can get her hay delivered and stacked in the barn. You simply call them up. Order the hay. They send over two age-appropriate cowboys. Dressed in chaps. I […]
Sep 2012
You know, sometimes these blog posts just write themselves. I keep thinking I should be ashamed of myself. But I’m not ……. in the least. I think my daughter might be a little embarrassed of me and for me. She may have wished I would behave myself since I was visiting her at her new […]
Aug 2012
I love to doodle. I love the word doodle. I love to say the word doodle. Doodle. When I doodle on paper (which is constantly) this is what it looks like. Daydreaming. Heart shapes and swirls. I doodle in my studio when I don’t have a big project going or when I need a […]
Aug 2012
“Hey buddy, where can a frog wet his whistle around here?” It’s been almost 110 degrees every day this week. As I was watering my only surviving flower-pot this little froggie jumped out. Ok I know he is technically a toad, but whatever. He’s still beautiful. For the purpose of this blog post I will […]
Jul 2012
We’ve been going steady now for 5 months. I totally attracted this because I know how to manifest my dreams and desires. I watched The Secret a few hundred times. I even bought a new expensive horse so I could attract more time together. He still doesn’t talk much. I wish I had attracted some witty […]
Jul 2012
Pow Wow
Pow Wow One word ….. WOW “Artist Date “….. “Explore something festive that interests you …. “ “Replenish our inner well of images and inspiration…” “Fire up the imagination”… Julia Cameron “Immerse yourself in color”….. “Listen to the drums ….” “Eat some Indian Tacos”….. “Buy a lot of stuff for your little friend” …. Me. […]
Somehow I got qualified to go to the Ranch Sorting National Finals in Oklahoma City last week. I really wanted to go. I was afraid. Afraid of the heat. Afraid of traveling down there alone. Afraid of competing in front of all those people. I was afraid of being afraid and all the other fears and […]
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