In the Cowgirl World, a “Saddle Series” is a series of horse competitions over time with the winner taking home a new trophy saddle. Barrel Racing, Cutting, Ranch Sorting. All western events have them. The saddles are highly prized in the horse kingdom. I’ve never won one. I may buy one on EBay someday. My […]
Jun 2011
Feb 2011
This is a very philosophical topic. Too much or not enough? It is right up there with “Is the glass half-full or half-empty?” I think a person is one or the other. No matter how hard I try I seem to remain a half-empty person while T.H. is a half-full person. You would think this […]
Oct 2010
Today I realized that I am a “Snapshot-ographer”. I am not Photographer. Photography is the process or art of producing images. Snapshot-ography is me shooting from the hip quickly with a pocket camera and hoping for the best. It is ridiculously, dangerously impossible to take photographs (art) while simultaneously participating in the event. The artist in […]
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