This fabric is so crazy and bright and passionate.
 It looks like an abstract painting.
It ia another remnant I purchased at Santa Fe Fabrics in November.
There are so few boutique fabric stores left anywhere.
I am always on a mission to find them wherever I travel.

This is how I finish the seams inside.
The fabric has been hanging up in my studio since November.
I just loved looking at it. 
The print is so vibrant, it didn’t need any embellishment.
Last night during the blizzard and subzero weather
I changed it into two simple plain slipcovers for the 20″ pillow inserts.

This is how the pillow fits inside.
My signature 3 button closure allows you to take the cover off
and wash it or change it out for a different look.

Stuff it in, button it up.

Just like that.
I love that fabric, I can’t stop looking at it.
I can’t stop saying that either.


Back (or front I guess it doesn’t matter)

Simple red buttons bought at a thrift shop in Hutchinson, KS

Love, Cowgirl Red   aka Terah
P.S.  I’m thinking about redecorating my whole house to match these pillows.


  1. You could have just put the fabric inside of a frame or covered a canvas with it and hung it on the wall! 🙂 You do nice work.

  2. Catherine... says

    Hi Terah,

    Love this fabric your right, it's crazy and fun..oh and really love love love the cowboy or is it cowgirl hat print in your last post… am really liking your Cowgirl Red original tags…that says…CLASS…lady…have a good weekend…

  3. Creatively Sensitive says

    YES! Keep them and decorate your whole place like this! So fun, so vibrant, and yet completely soothing and comforting. Kinda like you 🙂

    I vote for the front. I like the big eyeballs. And I love the top of the fabric sweeps in an opposite direction to the bottom.

    And the fronts look like tulips under a fiery sky!


  4. Cowgirl Red says

    Rita, Catherine & Kat, you all have very creative imaginations. Thanks for the compliments, too. Guess what? I sold two pillows. The red one with southwest/ lizard print and one of these. I'm pleased and surprised. Terah

  5. barbara polin says

    Nice eye. Love the fabric and the directions.
    I'm a fiber artist as well!
    Hey, have you ever tried a serger? It will change your life.
    check out my website.
    Your high school bud-Barb Polin

  6. Cowgirl Red says

    Barb, WOW! I had no idea. Beautiful site, beautiful store. We need to talk. I'm so happy you found my blog. Serger is something I want. Did you take sewing from Mrs. Hamilton in high school, too? I still remember her so well. Terah.

  7. nanke's stuff says

    I love that material and what you did with it! This is my first visit to your blog (a la Creative Every Day) …. I want a horse!!! lol nancy

  8. pluckychickenheart says

    WOW! Terah that fabric IS an abstract painting. Oh I just want to dive into it. Or roll around on your pillows! :o)


  9. Fantastic fabric made into gorgeous fun pillows.


  1. […] This is almost the size of a pillow” Why not make add enough to make a pillow out of some scraps?  I need 20X20. Why not? And since it is close to Valentine’s […]

  2. […] I’ve had some of his fabric before I knew who he was. […]