“Excuse my messy house.” — Said no straight man ever. The main entrance to my house is the garage. We have a front door, but everyone comes in through the garage and mud room. The dump rooms. Dog hair and mud and sometimes a baby calf hanging out. Another New Year’s intention of mine. I […]
Jan 2017
Jan 2017
My studio. This is where the magic happens friends. My studio. Which is just an extra room in our walk-out basement. I think we originally planned it to be an “exercise” room. As if that was ever going to happen. I don’t think it really qualifies as a basement. It’s just the lower level of […]
Dec 2016
Yesterday was the winter solstice. I consider this to be the first day of the new year. I think the calendar makers screwed up. They were most assuredly men. Everything had to come out mathematically correct. The days start getting longer today. Everything changes. Today should be January 1st. Wouldn’t that be nice if we […]
Dec 2016
Hey Christmas! Yes, You. I’m just not that into you anymore. So why are you making me feel so guilty? Why are you making me feel so ….. anti-American? Why do you look at me like I’m a failure as a woman? You think I’m lazy? Why are you making me feel like I’m not […]
Dec 2016
Yesterday I performed the dreaded task of re-applying for health insurance for 2017. I was notified by Blue Cross Blue Shield and HealthCare.gov that they were not offering my plan for 2017 and I needed to update my application and choose a new plan. I received that notice in September. The deadline is tomorrow. Do […]
Dec 2016
Hi friends. Since before the election I felt myself slipping deep into anger, despair, depression and a general heaviness. Literally, the weight of the world was on my neck, my shoulders, hips, knees and feet. I know you know what that feels like. It hurts. It hurts physically and spiritually. I had to […]
Jan 2016
60 Things
While taking my spiritual fast for two weeks in December I had a lot of time to think. A lot of time to think about turning 60 this year. I think about it all the time. Not in a morbid way. In a way like this…. “Wow. I’m turning 60. I can’t believe it. I […]
Sep 2014
I flew to California last week to visit my girl. As I was leaving the house for the airport, I looked over at my cowboy hat and thought “Why not?” I’ve always thought that flying with my hat would be a pain, and it is. However, those of you who know me know how attached […]
Feb 2014
Oh, I forgot to mention that during my last foray into “Crazy Town” I bought some real estate there. Really, I did.Here’s a picture of it. At the time I had a full-time job in Crazy Town. I was the personal assistant to the Mayor. The exact same day I closed on my new […]
Feb 2014
This might be the second “Most Embarrassing Moment in Agriculture” but pales in comparison to #1 So picture this….. I get invited to go help two good-looking cowboys get some cattle in to sort the calves off to go to the sale barn then take the mother cows to a different pasture. Picture me trying […]
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