If I had a grandchild I would have someone to get excited with me when a turtle is crossing the road and I slam on my brakes and rush out to save it’s life by taking her home and letting her go in my Turtle Kingdom.

If our kids weren’t so selfishly living their lives in Denver and Salt Lake City and would just once think about what they could contribute to my happiness….

I wouldn’t have to try substituting a dog for a grandchild.

We try.


But it’s just not working.

Maybe an ad on Craig’s list would work.

Wanted: Loaner Grandchild

Must be able to walk and talk and use the bathroom alone.

Must love turtles.

Love,  Cowgirl Red      aka  Terah


  1. I know I’m waaay too old and I live even farther away, but I can be a pretend grandchild like Puncher…and I even love turtles!! What did you put on its back? Do they stick around? That was a beauty! Puncher may not have been excited but he did a right smart dutiful smell or two. What a great post. 🙂 🙂

  2. My kids would love it… just not sure how long the turtle would survive their admiration 😉

  3. Lisa at Greenbow says

    I have borrowed my friend’s grands to take them to the movies I want to see. 🙂 Maybe you can just borrow one. Most children like turtles. Like me… I like turtles. Aren’t we all big children. I certainly share your enchantment with turtles.

  4. Big Bro' says

    Now you are taking pics of something I can relate. If I remember correctly, our summer ritual was to collect several turtles and keep them in a pen in the back yard feeding them lettuce and tomatoes.

    Con and Sean and I did that in Tulsa and found that turtles will fight over worms. If you can imagine a very slow motion brawl, that is a turtle fight for a bite of a worm. Life can be interesting and humbling when we realize that we are all fighting over something……