Spring came early in Kansas. Blessed Spring. And green grass. Puncher has more work/play to do everyday. We have been really busy sorting and moving cattle around. I am perfecting my “Hip Shots” technique while loading the stock trailer with her.I just hold my pocket camera at waist level, while it is set on […]
Apr 2012
Mar 2012
Play at Work
I thought I would take you all with me on an afternoon of work/play for Paint, Puncher and me. I say work/play because it is ranch work. T.H. considers it work. I know it’s work. But for me, it’s what I live for. We unload at the pens and ride out to the cattle on a wheat […]
Mar 2012
So ya’ll know how devastated I was at the breakup of my last relationship. I have tried a couple rebound relationships since “him”. They just didn’t work out for various reasons. Mostly because they were too close to my own age. (Too old, too slow,too arthritic, too grumpy, too fat) I’ve decided that being a […]
Mar 2012
I’ve been traveling with Paint a little bit this winter. We haven’t really had a “winter” to speak of. That’s why I get to travel so much. No snow, no ice, no cold weather. Let’s hear it for global warming! Puncher, Paint and I have been slipping down to Oklahoma to some Ranch Sortings […]
Jan 2012
We’re having a deja vu moment. We’ve been here before. But, alas, Hollywood did not call when I pitched my “Biggest Looser.. Cowgirl Edition” to them. Oh well, we’ll just do what most grown up Cowgirl’s do …. buy a bigger saddle. (metaphor for jeans). On last Sunday I decided I wanted to compete in […]
Jan 2012
Do you see that farthest little white dot out there? The first white dot is my little white dog. The second white dot is my mostly white horse, Paint, running away from me. This past Monday I decided that I want to go to a big Ranch Sorting Competition in Oklahoma City this coming Saturday. […]
Jan 2012
Things happen to me. I fancy myself a pretty good hand with a horse. I feel comfortable multi-tasking while riding. I’ve led pack-strings in the mountains of Wyoming. I’ve had cowboys let me hold calves with a rope while they doctor. You know …. western cowboy stuff. I’m used to riding a horse and letting […]
Jan 2012
The past few weeks I have been perfecting my technique of “Shoulder Shots”. That is taking snapshots over my shoulder behind me while I’m riding or walking or 4-wheeling. What is the purpose of this? ( I know you are wondering) 1. First and foremost, for my own entertainment. 2. I’m very curious to see […]
Dec 2011
After my horses were banished to the Trap Pasture , I decided it might be a good time to get Pard and bring him in by himself and mess with him some. I’m still reeling a little bit from that bad day we had at the horse show last summer when he became the “Devil […]
Dec 2011
See these guys? They are troublemakers. They are in big trouble with T.H. (so am I) They can run but they can’t hide from me anymore because they are essentially in jail. T.H. banished them to the “Trap Pasture” while I was out of town. The Trap Pasture is a 40 acre pasture, aptly named, […]
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