You know, sometimes these blog posts just write themselves. I keep thinking I should be ashamed of myself. But I’m not ……. in the least. I think my daughter might be a little embarrassed of me and for me. She may have wished I would behave myself since I was visiting her at her new […]

“Hey buddy, where can a frog wet his whistle around here?” It’s been almost 110 degrees every day this week. As I was watering my only surviving flower-pot this little froggie jumped out. Ok I know he is technically a toad, but whatever. He’s still beautiful.  For the purpose of this blog post I will […]

LEAP ……   and the net will appear. …… Julia Cameron  Let’s be the each others net in life. (Or raft, or inner-tube) Love, Cowgirl Red    aka   Terah P.S.  In honor of Sally Ride, first female astronaut, mentor and inspiration to millions of girls.   Bless you.  One Giant Leap for Womankind.

  If I had a grandchild I would have someone to get excited with me when a turtle is crossing the road and I slam on my brakes and rush out to save it’s life by taking her home and letting her go in my Turtle Kingdom. If our kids weren’t so selfishly living their […]

Last week while I was feeding my fish and looking for my new koi I had a little mishap. I was leaning over the edge of the pond dock when my iPhone 4S and Sony Cybershot fell out of my shirt pocket. Plop, Plop! Just like that. They sank to the bottom. I screamed. My […]

I’m afraid T.H. thinks I’m having a fling with the UPS man.  I have been a little obsessed with him.  His name is Corey.  I have him on speed dial.  I’ve been tracking his every move. He’s delivering my new giant-sized koi. Because of the heat, I can’t take any chances of an afternoon delivery […]

 I ordered some fish on the Internet. Really. eBay to be exact. Not frozen. Real live, swimming-around-in-a-box, fish. Who ever heard of such a thing? Not ordinary fish. Fish with bling. Koi.  I’ve been on a quest for the last 6 summers to get some in our pond. No success. It’s spring and I am […]

   “Maybe our Girlfriends are our Soul-Mates and guys are just people to have fun with”. I stole that from Dabney Porte and Social Media Girlfriends on Facebook today. And it got me to thinking…… Who really knows my heart? It’s no secret that TH and I haven’t been getting along lately. (That’s a subject […]

This fall I’ve walked in beauty everyday. I walk down by the creek behind the house. It’s good for my mental health.   After a summer of drought my senses are a dried up sponge. Tiger Kitty is good for my mental health too. She follows me everywhere. I try not to trip over her. […]

11-1-11 What an excellent number. Balanced.  Symmetrical.  Primal.   What an excellent number for a day.   Today, I’ve been blogging for one year.   One blog post has turned into nearly 100.   One friend has grown into scores and scores. Today,  11-1-11. I am grateful.   One is (not) the loneliest number.You fill […]